Sunday, October 30, 2011

Final Project!

 I believe that I will be doing option #2; I think monsters are the coolest things to write about. I just really didn’t understand the Frankenstein book at first but now that I understand it better it’s actually a really great book. I don’t really know what text to use yet but there is a lot of really great stories about monsters. My nephew really loves reading about monsters so it will be cool to research it for class and have some stories to tell him. What I am hoping to accomplish from this project is like everyone hopefully getting an A on it. Not really good at writing stories but getting to pick my own thing to write about will be nice. As everything I research with would be Google you can find a lot of great things on there and also living close to the library I will also get some books on things I will be talking about. I think it’s better to actually read about monsters in a book because you get into it more then setting in front of a computer.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Brenda Tyson
English 102
Laura Cline
October 23, 2011

For whom this may concern...

     My biggest challenge in this class so far has been understanding poems I have never really had to so it
took me a while to truly understand it. I had to read it probably about ten times, the last draft I did in the hospital when my mom was in surgery. All I had was my phone which I am glad it has a word app on it.
     I think the biggest success finally understood the poem even though being stressed out about my mom, I think when you’re not thinking about it is when you finally understand it.
     The reading in the class has made me see I can actually understand what’s in front of me it just takes time and patience. Its something I am totally not good at been I think with the things that are put in front of you are lessons for the future.
     Analysis is totally different then anything I have done before but that’s what school is about learning things you have never done before. Writing has always came hard to me and its not always the great thing but I don’t give up and make excuse for myself.
     Goals for the second part of this class are hopefully nothing else happens that makes me have to hurry in doing it. I missed one assignment because my mom had to be taken to the hospital. I am always wishing the English came easy to me, at times it is but when I have to write about things I don’t really understand is hard. Like I could talk about the military, kids etc but when having to do a poem I was lost.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Critical Response!


                     I chose to write about The Women of Frankenstein by William Veeder. The article doesn’t say when it’s written but its pg 271-273. In this article William starts out by saying that Mary was very sense of the weakness in herself and womanhood that makes her defensive in Frankenstein. It tells the reading that women are no more immune than a man to weakness, and that Mary justifies that women are less then weak. It states in the article that there is a lot of weakness in Frankenstein and that we must be more attuned than most criticism has been to the careful controls which prevent readers from responding. It also talks about Justine and her weakness when she has to go to court and the lessons her and Elizabeth has to face.
                    The author is right about Frankenstein, it does show a lot of weakness and readers have to be careful with all of the criticism. After reading every article in this book this is the only one I could really relate to, women are seen as weak but if we are told we can’t do something we are the first to prove you wrong. There are ways we are weak, and that’s a lot of us show are emotions and that can get ourselves in trouble but we are very caring people. I believe that this would be a great article to use because people can totally disagree with me, don’t think a lot of women would but men would.   


I believe that revising is the hardest thing when it comes to writing a paper, and it’s totally not my favorite thing. When you have to fix your paper you’re always hard on yourself and think all of it’s bad. That’s totally what I do when I was revising my paper; I have to read my paper over and over. When reading my paper I didn’t like it at all so I started all over, and just keep reading the poem until I finally figured what to write. My week hasn’t been the best so I decided I would do a paragraph at a time, my phone has a notepad on it so when I got good ideas I would just write them down. I even did this when I was watching a YC soccer game, I can’t just sit at a computer and come up with good ideas I like walking, reading, listening to music, etc.  I don’t really revise my paper I ask friends or family to look at them, I always think something wrong. The benefits of revising are finding out if the story really makes since and if it’s any good. You even want to make sure everything is spelled right, yes you have spell check on your computer but you have to make sure you are using the right word. I have never really been good at writing papers, and never did anything with poems. Going to high school my English teachers always did essays so this was the first time I really had to sit down to figure out a poem. It’s totally not my favorite thing to do but I did it. I actually liked this poem just wish it was about something I liked and cared about, like poems about military and 9/11. When writing something I have to be into it but I am glad classes make students go outside there comfort zones.